Just when you had given up all hope of being entertained in-between your favorite TV programming the Ad agencies stepped there game back up. It seemed as though they had just stopped trying, you felt it, it all started with Superbowl 2009, sure some commercials were funny (and by some I mean anything involving that adorable talking baby), but most were uninventive, unfunny and wholly unentertaining. Leave it to basketball and beer to raise the bar once more.
First I have to talk about “the most interesting man in the world.” I want to be him. If you see me walking down the street with the haterblockers on, my earbuds in and a little pep in my step, best believe I’m living vicariously through myself.
Second comes the “where will amazing happen” commercials. They make me even more excited about NBA playoffs. Sidenote: I believe that once a player has proven that he is NOT where amazing is happening this season his commercial should be cut (Chris Paul I’m talking about you). Anyway, we need to get back to a time where commercials took you on a journey; no more dancing with lizards please.

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