Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Skinny (Male Edition)

Men are usually so sensitive about their junk that when male skinny jeans became the new hot thing I thought you would resist. But some of you fell into the trap and are traipsing around in studded skinnys thinking you look good. Get it together. There are ways to rock this look while still looking manly, fashionable and dare I say sexy but you have to do it right. How to get the look:

1. Keep it simple: If you do prefer to wear tighter than average jeans please beware of excess embellishments, studs, designs and even too many colors. Jeans used to be all about simplicity and somewhere along the line ladies started dressing them up, that doesn’t mean you have to do it too. Think of your jeans as a jumping off point for the rest of you outfit. Your jeans need not be showy. Think about it tight jeans…rhinestones…a studded belt…TOO MUCH. Go for understated designs like Joes Jeans over the Antiks.

2. Keep it tight: Not as in size but as in physique. Skinny jeans afford you the opportunity to show us what you got, no chimmy changas please, but we can get a pretty nice silhouette from skinny jeans and a nice pocketed button-up perhaps. Make sure you’re putting your best foot forward bodywise.

3. It's all about the fit: Since you can’t really explain why your belt is tightened underneath your buttcheeks you should probably buy jeans you can wear at the waist or with a SLIGHT sag (remember the male pant principle and think you want to belt this but you don’t need to belt it). Also, please make sure they leave something to the imagination, if not for you then do it for the kids, it’s too hot in there man.

There are so many jean styles out there that it’s easy for you to find a pair that looks like it was made for you, look for those jeans instead of looking for the next big thing...Don't do this to yourself.

Male Denim Icon: Kayne West
Dressed Up

Casual Looks

Calling all Hipsters

Hipsters have to be magical, they fooled the entire country (or maybe just the Brown campus) into thinking that showers were passé and glasses need no prescription at all. Don’t get me wrong the classic hipster always has one solid piece whether it be a vintage leather knapsack or a fierce fedora, it just everything else they put around it that leaves me confused. Hipsters seem to be born out of a time where matching was “uber” lame and Fame was the best show ever. The look is sometimes more regression than rebellion. That being said it is important that you recognize you’re going back but still have the foresight to keep it fashion forward. Always make sure there’s not more going on than there needs to be.

1. You don’t have to wear it all today: Remember that first time you tried to dress yourself and you came out with all you’re favorite things (for me it was my yellow jellies, a pink miniskirt and a shirt that had no pink or yellow to be found, luckily my mother is the flyest woman you’ll ever meet so that outfit never hit the streets) this favorite things syndrome seems to be the biggest hipster issue.When constructing your look you should go the route of a signature piece that you can build everything around rather that putting on all the pieces you think are cool and hoping for the best.

2. Color/Pattern Ratio: Your outfit still has to make sense. There’s no excuse for a blatant disregard of color coordination. Can you think of a reason your shiny teal leggings should be paired with your acid washed orange tee and your purple American Apparel hoodie and your brown leather lace ups and your green non prescription glasses. No. Why? Because it doesn’t make sense. Please make sure you pair patterns with solids and you don’t look like you put on your entire closet.

3. Clean it up: There is nothing fashionable about looking greasy. Furthermore, a piece looking old and a piece looking vintage are two different things. Looking cool is about more than how many American Apparel items you can seamlessly pair with what the Salvation Army had to offer last week. Look clean, Look polished, Look Fierce.

Think of the wise words of Dannielle W. and recognize that “grease spots are not a fashion accessory.”

Monday, June 1, 2009

Locked Up

Bondage inspired pumps are flirty and effortlessly sexy...well maybe not so effortlessly. It's a sleek way to edge up your look whether you're wearing a flowy summer dress, a long belted tunic or just jeans and a tee. Whether it's chunky, strapped, cuffed or all buckled up these shoes have a way of elongating your feet while giving them a dainty appeal. But there are a few things you should think about before you select your summer pair.

The Obstacles
1. Comfort wear: No one likes the shoeless girl. When you select a pump you should know it may hurt and prepare yourself for the pain. Be aware that though most heels suck, some of these are actually quite comfortable, being so strappy they have a way of locking you in them so if the shoe hurts during the try-on phase, you might want to keep looking.

2. Leather or plastic: When choosing a patent leather pair proceed with caution. Lots of straps + super shiny leather has the potential to look cheap.

3. The curse of the traveling toe: There is no reason to have a toe or two riding curbside. This look comes in so many different styles that you have options that keep your feet looking extra delicate. Keep it classy ladies.

Shoe Spotlight: Sarah Jessica Parker, love this woman




Runway, Red Carpet and Music Video Looks



Eva Longoria Parker (Super Chunky, Super Chic)




Lower Priced options
(Nine West: Kentaro 69.99, Bolero 89.99, Jamie 79.99)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Textual Healing?

Text messaging has irrevocably damaged the genuine conversation. Text talk sometimes leaves me thinking "well you could have just called me." Text messaging is the only way I know to stretch out 5 minutes of conversation into a hour long ordeal where one feels as though you have so much to talk about even though that may not be the case. Text messaging allows you to get a message, perfectly craft your super cool not trying to hard response, wait for the other person to have the same think time and continue with a completely contrived and disingenuous conversation where you can create a personality that may or may not be your own. Moreover, it encourages lying. Just think, how may fake lol's have you sent? Sometimes it's just a waste of time, if I get a "yup" an "okay" or even the dreaded "Kk" text, you have successfully wasted 5 seconds of my life. Congrats. Don't get me wrong I think texting has its place: if you're bored in class, if your running late, etc. but if you're free to talk and I'm free to talk...and we're texting, that's wack. Remember how nice it was to have to think on your feet? or just to match a voice to a statement?

Remember the wise words of Jason Weaver and text only when necessary.

Monday, May 25, 2009

You got plaid-Male Edition

As a man if you can manage to wear plaid without looking like you should be in the passenger seat of a golf cart then I'm already impressed. Some of you are coming at this plaid thing the wrong way. Even though it's cool to wear plaid that's no excuse to look like old school Andre 3000's stand in. Moreover, most of you own the SAME pair of plaid shorts, awkwardddddd.

The Bottom
Plaid Bottoms are tricky, tricky, tricky. 1. Anything plaid longer mid to lower knee looks costume-y (I know that's not a word but you get me) 2. Anything plaid shorter that mid knee looks too short. (You see the limited options here?) 3. It has to fit but it can't fit: no one needs to see your chimmy changas but no one needs to see half you boxers either. When choosing the size think that it should be something you want to belt but don't need to belt. 4. With a plaid bottom a solid top is a must. I'm talking crisp white polo, solid black button up, or very rarely a colored solid polo.There's a little leeway if you're playing with different textures, but proceed with caution.

Up top
I'm loving the plaid/flannel button up, I think it looks crisp, polished and versatile. 1. When it comes to color think conservative. Red, yellow, green and orange AND purple, really? 2. The fit: This is not one of those 3XL type of shirts. Think about it, you're already wearing a fabric that moonlights as a tablecloth, if it doesn't fit you correctly there's really no way to look good in it.

When it comes to plaid, I say do it, but do it right.

The Right Way (Jay-Z and David Beckham play with texture, Wayne keeps it casual)


The right short/The played short/Short shorts

Flashback: Fall '08 (yes!) Nike Air Max Tartan/Plain

Not Quite (over-sized/bubble vest, chain, afghan, and plaid button Sir)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday Night Live

Has anyone noticed that any episode involving Justin Timberlake is exponentially better than anything SNL has done in the last 10 years. Maybe it's because Justin is more believable as the Color me Bad frontman than the culturally confused Timbaland apprentice we see everyday but I digress watch Motherlover.

Remember that Mother loving was only the second best idea they ever idea ever.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Curse of the Mini Dress-How short is too short?

The Mini Dress has become a new way of self expressing. Bright colored micro minis can make you look chic, current and classy if outfitted correctly. Done wrong you could end up looking like that girl. That girl who thinks wearing a short dress gives her permission to have little peek-a-boo incidents, and that girl who walks around the club shoeless and sweated out. You, my friend, do NOT want to be her. Woman’s intuition is a powerful thing and if you’re at home wondering if your dress is too short to move, sit or breathe heavily my guess is that it is, even if hater friend #1 told you that you look cute. Remember the wise words of Dave Chappelle and don't be caught out in a hoe’s uniform…ever. Keep it classy ladies.

Getting the Look

Stockings: Wearing a mini-dress does not mean you have to have maximum exposure. You can lengthen the look and dress it up by pairing it with the right stocking. If you have a plain sleek number and want to edge it out try a colored stocking. If you want to keep it simple try a muted stocking with a sleek detail. WARNING: Colored Stockings with heavy detailing can look clowny and is a definite tell that you maybe trying too hard. When it comes to fashion you can get a lot further by making it look easy.

Bare Essentials: If you decide to go bare remember that you have to up the ante from a shoe and accessory perspective. Whether you’re wear flats or pumps think texture and color. If your dress is simple enough that you have room to play around with the look go suede on the shoes. With accessories this season people seem to think that more is less and it's never too much, never too much, that is NOT the case for this look, choose your accessories careful. WARNING: Where the mini-dress tends to lengthen your body, flats tend to shrink it. Worn together you are not giving yourself the opportunity to shine. Going the extra mile in this look pays off every time.

Formalizing the look: It wasn’t until I was looking for a dress for Alpha Cabaret that I came to the startling realization that stores have all but stopped manufacturing dresses at mid-length. If you are going to a formal wearing a mini-dress is a risk that you might not want to take. A dress shorter than mid-thigh CANNOT be formal, save it for the after party and keep looking. Note: Pumps and a bad clutch are a must for a nighttime mini look.

The Inspiration (Runway/Relaxed/Night)















The Starlets








Figure 1- Uber chic Cassie in this sleek look
Figure 2- I'm feeling Angela in the puffed up number Figure 3-Check out Vanessa's transitional look, Note: Angela's High-waisted mini skirt is another way to keep it short and chic


Flashback:Gabrielle Union in '08 and Nia Long at the 2008 BET Awards









Not Quite(Too much fabric/Too little Fabric)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

To V or not to V: Male Edition

As the weather is warming up you may be wondering what to do when you want to go casual but look like you're trying. The v-neck is the perfect solution for this dilemma. Plain crew neck tees read undershirt every time; now sometimes this is cute, other times it’s just not quite right. The V-neck gives you the versatility to dress it up and dress it down. Worn correctly you will look sexy, fly and fashionable.

The Obstacles
1. Chest Hair: I’m not saying I need you to shave I’m just saying if you have a whole lot going on down there then this look might not be for you. I don’t need you putting all your business on Front Street. 1. Heat+Sweat+Exposed Body Hair=EW! 2. Even chest hair aficionados don’t condone overly exposed chest hair so unless you’re trying to be the next Capo dei Capi cover it up or get rid of it.

2. Low, Low down: The super low v-neck gets inappropriate after a certain point. 1. It reads homosexual, if that’s what you’re going for then keep on truckin’ because you’re probably working that tee OUT! (I swear I’ve never see a gay man not work a v-neck) but if you’re checking for the ladies then keep it classy, we don’t want to see ALL your man cleavage unless you’re shirtless or doing the wife beater sexual chocolate thing. 2. See Chest Hair.

3. Over-Styled: Please, please keep it simple, this is a classic and crisp look. Neon green with stars and stripes and gold and studs may not be the best option. Remember the detail is all in the neckline, everything else is just distracting.

The right way (Relaxed/Club/Dressy)

******************Not Quite******************

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Just when you had given up all hope of being entertained in-between your favorite TV programming the Ad agencies stepped there game back up. It seemed as though they had just stopped trying, you felt it, it all started with Superbowl 2009, sure some commercials were funny (and by some I mean anything involving that adorable talking baby), but most were uninventive, unfunny and wholly unentertaining. Leave it to basketball and beer to raise the bar once more. 

First I have to talk about “the most interesting man in the world.” I want to be him. If you see me walking down the street with the haterblockers on, my earbuds in and a little pep in my step, best believe I’m living vicariously through myself. 

Second comes the “where will amazing happen” commercials. They make me even more excited about NBA playoffs. Sidenote: I believe that once a player has proven that he is NOT where amazing is happening this season his commercial should be cut (Chris Paul I’m talking about you). Anyway, we need to get back to a time where commercials took you on a journey; no more dancing with lizards please. 

...and there it is

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Black and White of it

You may think that this season is all about color (it’s the spring so you wouldn’t be completely wrong); however, a lot can be said for avoiding color and standing out in your own monochromatic glory. There is no easier way to look classic, polished and well put together than by trying your own black and white look. Ever since Michelle Obama wore that fabulous Black and White print dress on The View I’ve had my eye on this trend. Something about it just POPS, especially on women of color. It’s found its way on the red carpet and the day-to-day of many of my favorite style icons. I just don’t see enough of this look on us, the regular folk, and I wish I did…

The Mastermind

Day and Night Transitional looks: It's just too easy

Flashback: Remember these beach looks

To make the look a little more youthful go Mini
Dress 1 Forever 21-$13.5o/ Dress 2 Bebe-$59.00)