Text messaging has irrevocably damaged the genuine conversation. Text talk sometimes leaves me thinking "well you could have just called me." Text messaging is the only way I know to stretch out 5 minutes of conversation into a hour long ordeal where one feels as though you have so much to talk about even though that may not be the case. Text messaging allows you to get a message, perfectly craft your super cool not trying to hard response, wait for the other person to have the same think time and continue with a completely contrived and disingenuous conversation where you can create a personality that may or may not be your own. Moreover, it encourages lying. Just think, how may fake lol's have you sent? Sometimes it's just a waste of time, if I get a "yup" an "okay" or even the dreaded "Kk" text, you have successfully wasted 5 seconds of my life. Congrats. Don't get me wrong I think texting has its place: if you're bored in class, if your running late, etc. but if you're free to talk and I'm free to talk...and we're texting, that's wack. Remember how nice it was to have to think on your feet? or just to match a voice to a statement?
Remember the wise words of Jason Weaver and text only when necessary.

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